Saturday, April 10, 2010


I like to think I work better on chaos. I like to be busy and sometimes I complain about it but on the inside I thrive on it. These last 2 weeks have been excruciatingly S-L-O-W. I mean don't get me wrong, I have been busy being a Mom and now I have a sick kid so that has taken up some of my time but I haven't been able to cook...for people! I haven't been stressed about being on time with hot food and it has been very sad. I was hoping by now I would be halfway to New York shooting my own TV show. Kidding but really I was hoping I would be doing more. I have even been thinking of applying for jobs with an active caterer to get experience and have some fun. We'll see.

So, yes, my blog has been slow because I haven't had any great inspiration in a little while. BUT....that won't stop me! I will prevail. :) I will keep watching Giada at Home and old episodes of The Barefoot Contessa and cooking odd dinners for my family. I will be perfecting dishes for my future restaurant and getting ready for the baby shower I am throwing in May. I also have Brayden's birthday coming up too! Those are going to be fun to cater.

Hopefully I will have a lot to say soon. If not, you will still hear my ramble about recipes I would like to try or the ones I make up. I'm hoping for more inspiration so if you have any ideas, let em' rip.

Thanks for reading,


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