Saturday, February 6, 2010


This is a start of a wonderful adventure. I am so excited and feel absolutely blessed to have this experience! My husband Jason and I decided last night that we wouldn't get too hasty and call this a business but better yet, a venture. I want to take it one day at a time and do the best that I can possibly do. I have so many wonderful ideas and ways that I think I can make people happy. After all, isn't that what life is all about?

A little bit about me, I am Cecilia and I am the ventures owner/operator! I love and have passion for food and what it does to others around me. I started to cook when I "settled" down with my husband and really felt a connection with every aspect of making a meal. I love to see people excited to eat! I became a Mom 8 months ago (May 2009) and decided that staying home full-time was right for me. As the days went on, I felt like I had more to offer to the world. I have always liked to work so I thought I should go back but after touring many daycare centers and in-home centers I felt it wasn't an option. The quality was terrible or I would just be working to cover the cost. I couldn't do it. So one day we sat at the kitchen table and talked about goals and budgets and all that fun stuff. I was on the verge of tears thinking about having to leave Brayden (my baby boy) and felt like I was so lost. Right then and there I decided there had to be something more...kind of like that Sugarland song. I liked, no LOVED to cook and host/entertain so I wanted to do something I liked. That's when the dream was born. Who knows where this will take us and what this venture will turn into but I would love for you to join my ride.

I have had 1, yes 1, successful lunch so far where I fed a bunch of hungry healthcare workers my best fajitas. I didn't sleep for a week and my skin suffered but when I was driving away from dropping off the food, I have never felt so alive. As corny as that can sound but it is the truth. I like that I got to go home and care for my son but I was able to do something that meant something to me. It was wonderful. So the lunch went so well that I am now going to cater my husband’s boss' Superbowl party! Fun! Stressful! Ha. They have requested my specialty, the only thing on the menu to date, fajitas. Should make for a good time! You know, I keep thinking, who do I think I am? I have no formal training, I am just a Mom who likes to cook for her family, what am I doing thinking I can cater? Ugh....there goes that self doubt. It's ugly, go away self doubt! I guess if I can't believe in myself who will? I can do this! Here we go!!!!

So the point of this Blog is to document my successes and failures and to also maybe learn a thing or two from you out there...if there any of you. :)

All my love and gratitude for my blessings,

Cecilia Mueller

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